Tuesday 26 February 2008

My Dream Job

Many teens are obsessed with their future and they are becoming more and more focused on their marks. Lots of them became a kind of "nerds" and they quit everything to it. Socializing, playing, going out with friends, enjoying their lives... LIVING... That's all that I want to avoid.
As all other teens, I have already thought about my future. Since young, I've wanted to help people in a way that nobody knows. How should I know? Nobody knows what I mean. Maybe, neither do I.

In spite of loving it, since my childhood, I have other dream job: to be a famous guy working on his laptop behind his desk and having his private room and a personal secretary. So, the second question is pointless. These two jobs are very different. One of them, the first, implies action and a constant study. The other one, other things. It's a quiet job. However, both of them can give me a good monthly wage, but I need to have very good marks to go to University. As I am only sixteen years old, I don't have many qualifications but soon I will have it.
Finally, to answer the seventh question, I can say I know that for the first job, I need to be strong, not be afraid and very patient and calm. For the other job, I don't need special qualities. I think that the way I am now, I'm ready to that job.
So, let's be ready to rumble.

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